Sunday, June 2, 2013

Congrats, Master Woo!

April, 2013-
Charles graduated with his Masters in Accountancy from BYU!
Hoooray! Charles parents flew in all the way from Singapore, and Nat (Charles' older brother) surprised us with flying in from Minnesota for the graduation celebrations. Kim's parents drove in from Orange County, California as well.

Thursday's Commencement Ceremony had Elder Richard G. Scott, from the Quorum the 12 Apostles, as the keynote speaker. He spoke on keeping things in proper balance and having an eternal perspective. He told the story of having 4 items in front of their kids when they were babies and seeing which of the items they would choose. If they chose the bottle, the baby would grow up valuing physical and emotional health, would eat right, exercise, pray daily and keep covenants. If the baby picked the toy, he/she would take time to recognize their personal worth. He/she would schedule time wisely, make time for family and relaxation, leave time for self, but most importantly give time to Christ. If the baby picked the piggy bank, he/she would grow up to understand the need for financial independence and know that security and means come from living within our means. Elder Scott quoted, "Too many people are spending money they don't have to buy things they don't want, to impress those they don't like." Well said, if I say so myself. And lastly, if the baby chose the bible, they would come to value individual spiritual strength, attending the temple, studying scriptures, and prayer. Elder Scott said we need to make the gospel a valuable part in our lives.

Some pictures after the ceremony...

Charles with our friends Ryan and Sarah King. Congrats, Sarah!

Charles' Singaporean buddies, Chrystal and John

Charles' second home, the MAcc Lounge. He'll miss this place!

Singaporean pride :)
Friday's Convocation ceremony was when Charles actually received his diploma, hooray! We are so proud of him! He finished a program in 4 years that people normally do in 5 years.
Master Woo's cheer squad

The WOO boys

Charles and his classmate Tanner, who will also be working at the same firm in Orange County

Long time friends Jaylin and Cheryl

The building Charles had all his classes

Charles with Brad, who will also be working at KPMG in OC
Even though it was a super busy weekend, Charles made time to go cycling with the Woo clan. It was quite a sight to see Charles with his brothers, Nat and Keith, and their Dad, all wearing matching Lifetime jerseys.

So hardcore! 

It was quite the weekend! Thanks to Charles' parents for flying all the way from Singapore to support! Thanks Kim's parents for driving long hours to support, and for helping us take back a bunch of our things before we moved. And thanks to Charles' brothers Keith and Nat for being great siblings. Thanks to Nat for flying out (even though Charles and Kim had suspicions he was going to come to surprise Charles). We are so grateful for family!

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